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3.3.2 Health outreach programmes(2022)

update date : 2023-11-07

The faculty and students of the university actively participate in public welfare and support for vulnerable groups, practicing the university’s social responsibility. This includes: (1) Assisting in organizing the 2022 nationwide Yung-Ching Wang Run, with a total of 120 local and international faculty and students providing services to race participants. The university also hosted the 2022 University Volleyball League with 500 participants. (2) The Mindfulness Meditation Center of the university organized the "Discovering the Beauty of Life - Mindfulness Education Academic and Practical Conference," inviting local community residents to participate and promote mindfulness education. (3) The university’s archery team assists and teaches archery skills to students in remote elementary schools, promoting archery activities. (4) Collaborating with local organizations to conduct activities that care for the elderly, new immigrants, and migrant workers in the community.

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