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12.2.8 Minimisation policies extended to suppliers(2022)

update date : 2023-11-07

The university's policy to minimize the use of disposable items aligns with the government's regulations on disposable products (https://hwms.epa.gov.tw/dispPageBox/onceOff/onceOffHp.aspx?ddsPageID=EPATWH) and is an integral part of the ISO-14001 management system under the university's Environmental Protection Health and Safety Policy. The university requires contractors to comply with its environmental protection policy, e.g., the university mandates that restaurant contractors prohibit the use of disposable plastic straws, utensils, and cups in restaurants, and do not provide single-use plastic bags for takeout. In 2022, the university's green procurement of products with the energy-saving label amounted to NT$13.605 million, earning it the New Taipei City Government's Green Procurement Excellence Award for four consecutive years since 2019.

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